Monday, August 6, 2007

Next Book Club Book

Yea we have a new book for book club. It's called "The World Without Us" by Alan Weisman. (I think that's the author's name.) Karen picked this non-fiction book. It sounds like it will be very interesting--it's a what-if scenario that goes something like this: What if people ceased to exist and the earth kept on turning? What would happen to all of the buildings/plastic/bronze/plants/animals? It sounds fascinating--I hope it is.

The discussion on Jane Austen's P&P was fun. We talked about class differences, marrying within your own class, marrying for convenience or love, Jane was a great time. As usual. We changed up how we decide what book to read--the hostess gets to pick and really she should have the only say. Although both Angela and I were trying to convince Karen to pick the one she did pick. She had a Michael Crichton book on her list too. :) Emily was telling Angela that she didn't get to vote anymore. It was funny. I wonder when the next love story will be--it seems we're all pretty set on reading some non-fiction novels.

Work is already better. I had a major score with my home office today that made me look like the hero. So I was feeling much better by the end of today. I have to remember that work does not rule my life--I am working to live not living to work. I have let the stress get to me too much the past couple of weeks. Of course not having a boss does not help the situation, but oh well. It's the situation I'm in.

Ron and I are going camping this weekend. I can't wait!!!


The Criles said...

Finally finished Harry Potter--loved it in the end!!!


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